Extract Resources in its own module
This commit is contained in:
@ -87,23 +87,24 @@ disable=raw-checker-failed,
# temporary silenced messages
# temporary silenced messages (ordered alphabetically)
# Enable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You can
# either give multiple identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option
@ -44,508 +44,15 @@ from urllib.parse import urlparse
from diffuse import utils
from diffuse import constants
from diffuse.resources import Resources
from diffuse.vcs.vcs_registry import VcsRegistry
# avoid some dictionary lookups when string.whitespace is used in loops
# this is sorted based upon frequency to speed up code for stripping whitespace
whitespace = ' \t\n\r\x0b\x0c'
# colour resources
class Colour:
def __init__(self, r, g, b, a=1.0):
# the individual colour components as floats in the range [0, 1]
self.red = r
self.green = g
self.blue = b
self.alpha = a
# multiply by scalar
def __mul__(self, s):
return Colour(s * self.red, s * self.green, s * self.blue, s * self.alpha)
# add colours
def __add__(self, other):
return Colour(self.red + other.red, self.green + other.green, self.blue + other.blue, self.alpha + other.alpha)
# over operator
def over(self, other):
return self + other * (1 - self.alpha)
# class to build and run a finite state machine for identifying syntax tokens
class SyntaxParser:
# create a new state machine that begins in initial_state and classifies
# all characters not matched by the patterns as default_token_type
def __init__(self, initial_state, default_token_type):
# initial state for the state machine when parsing a new file
self.initial_state = initial_state
# default classification of characters that are not explicitly matched
# by any state transition patterns
self.default_token_type = default_token_type
# mappings from a state to a list of (pattern, token_type, next_state)
# tuples indicating the new state for the state machine when 'pattern'
# is matched and how to classify the matched characters
self.transitions_lookup = { initial_state : [] }
# Adds a new edge to the finite state machine from prev_state to
# next_state. Characters will be identified as token_type when pattern is
# matched. Any newly referenced state will be added. Patterns for edges
# leaving a state will be tested in the order they were added to the finite
# state machine.
def addPattern(self, prev_state, next_state, token_type, pattern):
lookup = self.transitions_lookup
for state in prev_state, next_state:
if state not in lookup:
lookup[state] = []
lookup[prev_state].append([pattern, token_type, next_state])
# given a string and an initial state, identify the final state and tokens
def parse(self, state_name, s):
lookup = self.transitions_lookup
transitions, blocks, start = lookup[state_name], [], 0
while start < len(s):
for pattern, token_type, next_state in transitions:
m = pattern.match(s, start)
if m is not None:
end, state_name = m.span()[1], next_state
transitions = lookup[state_name]
end, token_type = start + 1, self.default_token_type
if len(blocks) > 0 and blocks[-1][2] == token_type:
blocks[-1][1] = end
blocks.append([start, end, token_type])
start = end
return state_name, blocks
def readconfiglines(fd):
return fd.read().replace('\r', '').split('\n')
# This class to hold all customisable behaviour not exposed in the preferences
# dialogue: hotkey assignment, colours, syntax highlighting, etc.
# Syntax highlighting is implemented in supporting '*.syntax' files normally
# read from the system wide initialisation file '/etc/diffuserc'.
# The personal initialisation file '~/diffuse/diffuserc' can be used to change
# default behaviour.
class Resources:
def __init__(self):
# default keybindings
self.keybindings = {}
self.keybindings_lookup = {}
set_binding = self.setKeyBinding
set_binding('menu', 'open_file', 'Ctrl+o')
set_binding('menu', 'open_file_in_new_tab', 'Ctrl+t')
set_binding('menu', 'open_modified_files', 'Shift+Ctrl+O')
set_binding('menu', 'open_commit', 'Shift+Ctrl+T')
set_binding('menu', 'reload_file', 'Shift+Ctrl+R')
set_binding('menu', 'save_file', 'Ctrl+s')
set_binding('menu', 'save_file_as', 'Shift+Ctrl+A')
set_binding('menu', 'save_all', 'Shift+Ctrl+S')
set_binding('menu', 'new_2_way_file_merge', 'Ctrl+2')
set_binding('menu', 'new_3_way_file_merge', 'Ctrl+3')
set_binding('menu', 'new_n_way_file_merge', 'Ctrl+4')
set_binding('menu', 'close_tab', 'Ctrl+w')
set_binding('menu', 'undo_close_tab', 'Shift+Ctrl+W')
set_binding('menu', 'quit', 'Ctrl+q')
set_binding('menu', 'undo', 'Ctrl+z')
set_binding('menu', 'redo', 'Shift+Ctrl+Z')
set_binding('menu', 'cut', 'Ctrl+x')
set_binding('menu', 'copy', 'Ctrl+c')
set_binding('menu', 'paste', 'Ctrl+v')
set_binding('menu', 'select_all', 'Ctrl+a')
set_binding('menu', 'clear_edits', 'Ctrl+r')
set_binding('menu', 'dismiss_all_edits', 'Ctrl+d')
set_binding('menu', 'find', 'Ctrl+f')
set_binding('menu', 'find_next', 'Ctrl+g')
set_binding('menu', 'find_previous', 'Shift+Ctrl+G')
set_binding('menu', 'go_to_line', 'Shift+Ctrl+L')
set_binding('menu', 'realign_all', 'Ctrl+l')
set_binding('menu', 'isolate', 'Ctrl+i')
set_binding('menu', 'first_difference', 'Shift+Ctrl+Up')
set_binding('menu', 'previous_difference', 'Ctrl+Up')
set_binding('menu', 'next_difference', 'Ctrl+Down')
set_binding('menu', 'last_difference', 'Shift+Ctrl+Down')
set_binding('menu', 'first_tab', 'Shift+Ctrl+Page_Up')
set_binding('menu', 'previous_tab', 'Ctrl+Page_Up')
set_binding('menu', 'next_tab', 'Ctrl+Page_Down')
set_binding('menu', 'last_tab', 'Shift+Ctrl+Page_Down')
set_binding('menu', 'shift_pane_right', 'Shift+Ctrl+parenright')
set_binding('menu', 'shift_pane_left', 'Shift+Ctrl+parenleft')
set_binding('menu', 'convert_to_upper_case', 'Ctrl+u')
set_binding('menu', 'convert_to_lower_case', 'Shift+Ctrl+U')
set_binding('menu', 'sort_lines_in_ascending_order', 'Ctrl+y')
set_binding('menu', 'sort_lines_in_descending_order', 'Shift+Ctrl+Y')
set_binding('menu', 'remove_trailing_white_space', 'Ctrl+k')
set_binding('menu', 'convert_tabs_to_spaces', 'Ctrl+b')
set_binding('menu', 'convert_leading_spaces_to_tabs', 'Shift+Ctrl+B')
set_binding('menu', 'increase_indenting', 'Shift+Ctrl+greater')
set_binding('menu', 'decrease_indenting', 'Shift+Ctrl+less')
set_binding('menu', 'convert_to_dos', 'Shift+Ctrl+E')
set_binding('menu', 'convert_to_mac', 'Shift+Ctrl+C')
set_binding('menu', 'convert_to_unix', 'Ctrl+e')
set_binding('menu', 'copy_selection_right', 'Shift+Ctrl+Right')
set_binding('menu', 'copy_selection_left', 'Shift+Ctrl+Left')
set_binding('menu', 'copy_left_into_selection', 'Ctrl+Right')
set_binding('menu', 'copy_right_into_selection', 'Ctrl+Left')
set_binding('menu', 'merge_from_left_then_right', 'Ctrl+m')
set_binding('menu', 'merge_from_right_then_left', 'Shift+Ctrl+M')
set_binding('menu', 'help_contents', 'F1')
set_binding('line_mode', 'enter_align_mode', 'space')
set_binding('line_mode', 'enter_character_mode', 'Return')
set_binding('line_mode', 'enter_character_mode', 'KP_Enter')
set_binding('line_mode', 'first_line', 'Home')
set_binding('line_mode', 'first_line', 'g')
set_binding('line_mode', 'extend_first_line', 'Shift+Home')
set_binding('line_mode', 'last_line', 'End')
set_binding('line_mode', 'last_line', 'Shift+G')
set_binding('line_mode', 'extend_last_line', 'Shift+End')
set_binding('line_mode', 'up', 'Up')
set_binding('line_mode', 'up', 'k')
set_binding('line_mode', 'extend_up', 'Shift+Up')
set_binding('line_mode', 'extend_up', 'Shift+K')
set_binding('line_mode', 'down', 'Down')
set_binding('line_mode', 'down', 'j')
set_binding('line_mode', 'extend_down', 'Shift+Down')
set_binding('line_mode', 'extend_down', 'Shift+J')
set_binding('line_mode', 'left', 'Left')
set_binding('line_mode', 'left', 'h')
set_binding('line_mode', 'extend_left', 'Shift+Left')
set_binding('line_mode', 'right', 'Right')
set_binding('line_mode', 'right', 'l')
set_binding('line_mode', 'extend_right', 'Shift+Right')
set_binding('line_mode', 'page_up', 'Page_Up')
set_binding('line_mode', 'page_up', 'Ctrl+u')
set_binding('line_mode', 'extend_page_up', 'Shift+Page_Up')
set_binding('line_mode', 'extend_page_up', 'Shift+Ctrl+U')
set_binding('line_mode', 'page_down', 'Page_Down')
set_binding('line_mode', 'page_down', 'Ctrl+d')
set_binding('line_mode', 'extend_page_down', 'Shift+Page_Down')
set_binding('line_mode', 'extend_page_down', 'Shift+Ctrl+D')
set_binding('line_mode', 'delete_text', 'BackSpace')
set_binding('line_mode', 'delete_text', 'Delete')
set_binding('line_mode', 'delete_text', 'x')
set_binding('line_mode', 'clear_edits', 'r')
set_binding('line_mode', 'isolate', 'i')
set_binding('line_mode', 'first_difference', 'Ctrl+Home')
set_binding('line_mode', 'first_difference', 'Shift+P')
set_binding('line_mode', 'previous_difference', 'p')
set_binding('line_mode', 'next_difference', 'n')
set_binding('line_mode', 'last_difference', 'Ctrl+End')
set_binding('line_mode', 'last_difference', 'Shift+N')
#set_binding('line_mode', 'copy_selection_right', 'Shift+L')
#set_binding('line_mode', 'copy_selection_left', 'Shift+H')
set_binding('line_mode', 'copy_left_into_selection', 'Shift+L')
set_binding('line_mode', 'copy_right_into_selection', 'Shift+H')
set_binding('line_mode', 'merge_from_left_then_right', 'm')
set_binding('line_mode', 'merge_from_right_then_left', 'Shift+M')
set_binding('align_mode', 'enter_line_mode', 'Escape')
set_binding('align_mode', 'align', 'space')
set_binding('align_mode', 'enter_character_mode', 'Return')
set_binding('align_mode', 'enter_character_mode', 'KP_Enter')
set_binding('align_mode', 'first_line', 'g')
set_binding('align_mode', 'last_line', 'Shift+G')
set_binding('align_mode', 'up', 'Up')
set_binding('align_mode', 'up', 'k')
set_binding('align_mode', 'down', 'Down')
set_binding('align_mode', 'down', 'j')
set_binding('align_mode', 'left', 'Left')
set_binding('align_mode', 'left', 'h')
set_binding('align_mode', 'right', 'Right')
set_binding('align_mode', 'right', 'l')
set_binding('align_mode', 'page_up', 'Page_Up')
set_binding('align_mode', 'page_up', 'Ctrl+u')
set_binding('align_mode', 'page_down', 'Page_Down')
set_binding('align_mode', 'page_down', 'Ctrl+d')
set_binding('character_mode', 'enter_line_mode', 'Escape')
# default colours
self.colours = {
'alignment' : Colour(1.0, 1.0, 0.0),
'character_selection' : Colour(0.7, 0.7, 1.0),
'cursor' : Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
'difference_1' : Colour(1.0, 0.625, 0.625),
'difference_2' : Colour(0.85, 0.625, 0.775),
'difference_3' : Colour(0.85, 0.775, 0.625),
'hatch' : Colour(0.8, 0.8, 0.8),
'line_number' : Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
'line_number_background' : Colour(0.75, 0.75, 0.75),
'line_selection' : Colour(0.7, 0.7, 1.0),
'map_background' : Colour(0.6, 0.6, 0.6),
'margin' : Colour(0.8, 0.8, 0.8),
'edited' : Colour(0.5, 1.0, 0.5),
'preedit' : Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
'text' : Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
'text_background' : Colour(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) }
# default floats
self.floats = {
'alignment_opacity' : 1.0,
'character_difference_opacity' : 0.4,
'character_selection_opacity' : 0.4,
'edited_opacity' : 0.4,
'line_difference_opacity' : 0.3,
'line_selection_opacity' : 0.4 }
# default strings
self.strings = {}
# syntax highlighting support
self.syntaxes = {}
self.syntax_file_patterns = {}
self.syntax_magic_patterns = {}
self.current_syntax = None
# list of imported resources files (we only import each file once)
self.resource_files = set()
# special string resources
self.setDifferenceColours('difference_1 difference_2 difference_3')
# keyboard action processing
def setKeyBinding(self, ctx, s, v):
action_tuple = (ctx, s)
modifiers = Gdk.ModifierType(0)
key = None
for token in v.split('+'):
if token == 'Shift':
modifiers |= Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK
elif token == 'Ctrl':
modifiers |= Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK
elif token == 'Alt':
modifiers |= Gdk.ModifierType.MOD1_MASK
elif len(token) == 0 or token[0] == '_':
raise ValueError()
token = 'KEY_' + token
if not hasattr(Gdk, token):
raise ValueError()
key = getattr(Gdk, token)
if key is None:
raise ValueError()
key_tuple = (ctx, (key, modifiers))
# remove any existing binding
if key_tuple in self.keybindings_lookup:
# ensure we have a set to hold this action
if action_tuple not in self.keybindings:
self.keybindings[action_tuple] = {}
bindings = self.keybindings[action_tuple]
# menu items can only have one binding
if ctx == 'menu':
for k in bindings.keys():
# add the binding
bindings[key_tuple] = None
self.keybindings_lookup[key_tuple] = action_tuple
def _removeKeyBinding(self, key_tuple):
action_tuple = self.keybindings_lookup[key_tuple]
del self.keybindings_lookup[key_tuple]
del self.keybindings[action_tuple][key_tuple]
def getActionForKey(self, ctx, key, modifiers):
return self.keybindings_lookup[(ctx, (key, modifiers))][1]
except KeyError:
def getKeyBindings(self, ctx, s):
return [ t for c, t in self.keybindings[(ctx, s)].keys() ]
except KeyError:
return []
# colours used for indicating differences
def setDifferenceColours(self, s):
colours = s.split()
if len(colours) > 0:
self.difference_colours = colours
def getDifferenceColour(self, i):
n = len(self.difference_colours)
return self.getColour(self.difference_colours[(i + n - 1) % n])
# colour resources
def getColour(self, symbol):
return self.colours[symbol]
except KeyError:
utils.logDebug(f'Warning: unknown colour "{symbol}"')
self.colours[symbol] = v = Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
return v
# float resources
def getFloat(self, symbol):
return self.floats[symbol]
except KeyError:
utils.logDebug(f'Warning: unknown float "{symbol}"')
self.floats[symbol] = v = 0.5
return v
# string resources
def getString(self, symbol):
return self.strings[symbol]
except KeyError:
utils.logDebug(f'Warning: unknown string "{symbol}"')
self.strings[symbol] = v = ''
return v
# syntax highlighting
def getSyntaxNames(self):
return list(self.syntaxes.keys())
def getSyntax(self, name):
return self.syntaxes.get(name, None)
def guessSyntaxForFile(self, name, ss):
name = os.path.basename(name)
for key, pattern in self.syntax_file_patterns.items():
if pattern.search(name):
return key
# fallback to analysing the first line of the file
if len(ss) > 0:
s = ss[0]
for key, pattern in self.syntax_magic_patterns.items():
if pattern.search(s):
return key
# parse resource files
def parse(self, file_name):
# only process files once
if file_name in self.resource_files:
f = open(file_name, 'r')
ss = readconfiglines(f)
# FIXME: improve validation
for i, s in enumerate(ss):
args = shlex.split(s, True)
if len(args) == 0:
# eg. add Python syntax highlighting:
# import /usr/share/diffuse/syntax/python.syntax
if args[0] == 'import' and len(args) == 2:
path = os.path.expanduser(args[1])
# relative paths are relative to the parsed file
path = os.path.join(utils.globEscape(os.path.dirname(file_name)), path)
paths = glob.glob(path)
if len(paths) == 0:
paths = [ path ]
for path in paths:
# convert to absolute path so the location of
# any processing errors are reported with
# normalised file names
# eg. make Ctrl+o trigger the open_file menu item
# keybinding menu open_file Ctrl+o
elif args[0] == 'keybinding' and len(args) == 4:
self.setKeyBinding(args[1], args[2], args[3])
# eg. set the regular background colour to white
# colour text_background 1.0 1.0 1.0
elif args[0] in [ 'colour', 'color' ] and len(args) == 5:
self.colours[args[1]] = Colour(float(args[2]), float(args[3]), float(args[4]))
# eg. set opacity of the line_selection colour
# float line_selection_opacity 0.4
elif args[0] == 'float' and len(args) == 3:
self.floats[args[1]] = float(args[2])
# eg. set the help browser
# string help_browser gnome-help
elif args[0] == 'string' and len(args) == 3:
self.strings[args[1]] = args[2]
if args[1] == 'difference_colours':
# eg. start a syntax specification for Python
# syntax Python normal text
# where 'normal' is the name of the default state and
# 'text' is the classification of all characters not
# explicitly matched by a syntax highlighting rule
elif args[0] == 'syntax' and (len(args) == 2 or len(args) == 4):
key = args[1]
if len(args) == 2:
# remove file pattern for a syntax specification
del self.syntax_file_patterns[key]
except KeyError:
# remove magic pattern for a syntax specification
del self.syntax_magic_patterns[key]
except KeyError:
# remove a syntax specification
self.current_syntax = None
del self.syntaxes[key]
except KeyError:
self.current_syntax = SyntaxParser(args[2], args[3])
self.syntaxes[key] = self.current_syntax
# eg. transition from state 'normal' to 'comment' when
# the pattern '#' is matched and classify the matched
# characters as 'python_comment'
# syntax_pattern normal comment python_comment '#'
elif args[0] == 'syntax_pattern' and self.current_syntax is not None and len(args) >= 5:
flags = 0
for arg in args[5:]:
if arg == 'ignorecase':
flags |= re.IGNORECASE
raise ValueError()
self.current_syntax.addPattern(args[1], args[2], args[3], re.compile(args[4], flags))
# eg. default to the Python syntax rules when viewing
# a file ending with '.py' or '.pyw'
# syntax_files Python '\.pyw?$'
elif args[0] == 'syntax_files' and (len(args) == 2 or len(args) == 3):
key = args[1]
if len(args) == 2:
# remove file pattern for a syntax specification
del self.syntax_file_patterns[key]
except KeyError:
flags = 0
if utils.isWindows():
flags |= re.IGNORECASE
self.syntax_file_patterns[key] = re.compile(args[2], flags)
# eg. default to the Python syntax rules when viewing
# a files starting with patterns like #!/usr/bin/python
# syntax_magic Python '^#!/usr/bin/python$'
elif args[0] == 'syntax_magic' and len(args) > 1:
key = args[1]
if len(args) == 2:
# remove magic pattern for a syntax specification
del self.syntax_magic_patterns[key]
except KeyError:
flags = 0
for arg in args[3:]:
if arg == 'ignorecase':
flags |= re.IGNORECASE
raise ValueError()
self.syntax_magic_patterns[key] = re.compile(args[2], flags)
raise ValueError()
except: # Grr... the 're' module throws weird errors
#except ValueError:
utils.logError(_('Error processing line %(line)d of %(file)s.') % { 'line': i + 1, 'file': file_name })
theResources = Resources()
theVCSs = VcsRegistry()
# map an encoding name to its standard form
def norm_encoding(e):
@ -761,7 +268,7 @@ class Preferences:
if os.path.isfile(self.path):
f = open(self.path, 'r')
ss = readconfiglines(f)
ss = utils.readconfiglines(f)
for j, s in enumerate(ss):
@ -1117,8 +624,6 @@ def convert_to_format(s, format):
s += '\r'
return s
theVCSs = VcsRegistry()
# utility method to step advance an adjustment
def step_adjustment(adj, delta):
v = adj.get_value() + delta
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ configure_file(
diffuse_sources = [
@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
# Diffuse: a graphical tool for merging and comparing text files.
# Copyright (C) 2019 Derrick Moser <derrick_moser@yahoo.com>
# Copyright (C) 2021 Romain Failliot <romain.failliot@foolstep.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# This class to hold all customisable behaviour not exposed in the preferences
# dialogue: hotkey assignment, colours, syntax highlighting, etc.
# Syntax highlighting is implemented in supporting '*.syntax' files normally
# read from the system wide initialisation file '/etc/diffuserc'.
# The personal initialisation file '~/diffuse/diffuserc' can be used to change
# default behaviour.
import glob
import os
import re
import shlex
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
import gi
gi.require_version('Gdk', '3.0')
from gi.repository import Gdk
# pylint: enable=wrong-import-position
from diffuse import utils
class Resources:
def __init__(self):
# default keybindings
self.keybindings = {}
self.keybindings_lookup = {}
set_binding = self.setKeyBinding
set_binding('menu', 'open_file', 'Ctrl+o')
set_binding('menu', 'open_file_in_new_tab', 'Ctrl+t')
set_binding('menu', 'open_modified_files', 'Shift+Ctrl+O')
set_binding('menu', 'open_commit', 'Shift+Ctrl+T')
set_binding('menu', 'reload_file', 'Shift+Ctrl+R')
set_binding('menu', 'save_file', 'Ctrl+s')
set_binding('menu', 'save_file_as', 'Shift+Ctrl+A')
set_binding('menu', 'save_all', 'Shift+Ctrl+S')
set_binding('menu', 'new_2_way_file_merge', 'Ctrl+2')
set_binding('menu', 'new_3_way_file_merge', 'Ctrl+3')
set_binding('menu', 'new_n_way_file_merge', 'Ctrl+4')
set_binding('menu', 'close_tab', 'Ctrl+w')
set_binding('menu', 'undo_close_tab', 'Shift+Ctrl+W')
set_binding('menu', 'quit', 'Ctrl+q')
set_binding('menu', 'undo', 'Ctrl+z')
set_binding('menu', 'redo', 'Shift+Ctrl+Z')
set_binding('menu', 'cut', 'Ctrl+x')
set_binding('menu', 'copy', 'Ctrl+c')
set_binding('menu', 'paste', 'Ctrl+v')
set_binding('menu', 'select_all', 'Ctrl+a')
set_binding('menu', 'clear_edits', 'Ctrl+r')
set_binding('menu', 'dismiss_all_edits', 'Ctrl+d')
set_binding('menu', 'find', 'Ctrl+f')
set_binding('menu', 'find_next', 'Ctrl+g')
set_binding('menu', 'find_previous', 'Shift+Ctrl+G')
set_binding('menu', 'go_to_line', 'Shift+Ctrl+L')
set_binding('menu', 'realign_all', 'Ctrl+l')
set_binding('menu', 'isolate', 'Ctrl+i')
set_binding('menu', 'first_difference', 'Shift+Ctrl+Up')
set_binding('menu', 'previous_difference', 'Ctrl+Up')
set_binding('menu', 'next_difference', 'Ctrl+Down')
set_binding('menu', 'last_difference', 'Shift+Ctrl+Down')
set_binding('menu', 'first_tab', 'Shift+Ctrl+Page_Up')
set_binding('menu', 'previous_tab', 'Ctrl+Page_Up')
set_binding('menu', 'next_tab', 'Ctrl+Page_Down')
set_binding('menu', 'last_tab', 'Shift+Ctrl+Page_Down')
set_binding('menu', 'shift_pane_right', 'Shift+Ctrl+parenright')
set_binding('menu', 'shift_pane_left', 'Shift+Ctrl+parenleft')
set_binding('menu', 'convert_to_upper_case', 'Ctrl+u')
set_binding('menu', 'convert_to_lower_case', 'Shift+Ctrl+U')
set_binding('menu', 'sort_lines_in_ascending_order', 'Ctrl+y')
set_binding('menu', 'sort_lines_in_descending_order', 'Shift+Ctrl+Y')
set_binding('menu', 'remove_trailing_white_space', 'Ctrl+k')
set_binding('menu', 'convert_tabs_to_spaces', 'Ctrl+b')
set_binding('menu', 'convert_leading_spaces_to_tabs', 'Shift+Ctrl+B')
set_binding('menu', 'increase_indenting', 'Shift+Ctrl+greater')
set_binding('menu', 'decrease_indenting', 'Shift+Ctrl+less')
set_binding('menu', 'convert_to_dos', 'Shift+Ctrl+E')
set_binding('menu', 'convert_to_mac', 'Shift+Ctrl+C')
set_binding('menu', 'convert_to_unix', 'Ctrl+e')
set_binding('menu', 'copy_selection_right', 'Shift+Ctrl+Right')
set_binding('menu', 'copy_selection_left', 'Shift+Ctrl+Left')
set_binding('menu', 'copy_left_into_selection', 'Ctrl+Right')
set_binding('menu', 'copy_right_into_selection', 'Ctrl+Left')
set_binding('menu', 'merge_from_left_then_right', 'Ctrl+m')
set_binding('menu', 'merge_from_right_then_left', 'Shift+Ctrl+M')
set_binding('menu', 'help_contents', 'F1')
set_binding('line_mode', 'enter_align_mode', 'space')
set_binding('line_mode', 'enter_character_mode', 'Return')
set_binding('line_mode', 'enter_character_mode', 'KP_Enter')
set_binding('line_mode', 'first_line', 'Home')
set_binding('line_mode', 'first_line', 'g')
set_binding('line_mode', 'extend_first_line', 'Shift+Home')
set_binding('line_mode', 'last_line', 'End')
set_binding('line_mode', 'last_line', 'Shift+G')
set_binding('line_mode', 'extend_last_line', 'Shift+End')
set_binding('line_mode', 'up', 'Up')
set_binding('line_mode', 'up', 'k')
set_binding('line_mode', 'extend_up', 'Shift+Up')
set_binding('line_mode', 'extend_up', 'Shift+K')
set_binding('line_mode', 'down', 'Down')
set_binding('line_mode', 'down', 'j')
set_binding('line_mode', 'extend_down', 'Shift+Down')
set_binding('line_mode', 'extend_down', 'Shift+J')
set_binding('line_mode', 'left', 'Left')
set_binding('line_mode', 'left', 'h')
set_binding('line_mode', 'extend_left', 'Shift+Left')
set_binding('line_mode', 'right', 'Right')
set_binding('line_mode', 'right', 'l')
set_binding('line_mode', 'extend_right', 'Shift+Right')
set_binding('line_mode', 'page_up', 'Page_Up')
set_binding('line_mode', 'page_up', 'Ctrl+u')
set_binding('line_mode', 'extend_page_up', 'Shift+Page_Up')
set_binding('line_mode', 'extend_page_up', 'Shift+Ctrl+U')
set_binding('line_mode', 'page_down', 'Page_Down')
set_binding('line_mode', 'page_down', 'Ctrl+d')
set_binding('line_mode', 'extend_page_down', 'Shift+Page_Down')
set_binding('line_mode', 'extend_page_down', 'Shift+Ctrl+D')
set_binding('line_mode', 'delete_text', 'BackSpace')
set_binding('line_mode', 'delete_text', 'Delete')
set_binding('line_mode', 'delete_text', 'x')
set_binding('line_mode', 'clear_edits', 'r')
set_binding('line_mode', 'isolate', 'i')
set_binding('line_mode', 'first_difference', 'Ctrl+Home')
set_binding('line_mode', 'first_difference', 'Shift+P')
set_binding('line_mode', 'previous_difference', 'p')
set_binding('line_mode', 'next_difference', 'n')
set_binding('line_mode', 'last_difference', 'Ctrl+End')
set_binding('line_mode', 'last_difference', 'Shift+N')
#set_binding('line_mode', 'copy_selection_right', 'Shift+L')
#set_binding('line_mode', 'copy_selection_left', 'Shift+H')
set_binding('line_mode', 'copy_left_into_selection', 'Shift+L')
set_binding('line_mode', 'copy_right_into_selection', 'Shift+H')
set_binding('line_mode', 'merge_from_left_then_right', 'm')
set_binding('line_mode', 'merge_from_right_then_left', 'Shift+M')
set_binding('align_mode', 'enter_line_mode', 'Escape')
set_binding('align_mode', 'align', 'space')
set_binding('align_mode', 'enter_character_mode', 'Return')
set_binding('align_mode', 'enter_character_mode', 'KP_Enter')
set_binding('align_mode', 'first_line', 'g')
set_binding('align_mode', 'last_line', 'Shift+G')
set_binding('align_mode', 'up', 'Up')
set_binding('align_mode', 'up', 'k')
set_binding('align_mode', 'down', 'Down')
set_binding('align_mode', 'down', 'j')
set_binding('align_mode', 'left', 'Left')
set_binding('align_mode', 'left', 'h')
set_binding('align_mode', 'right', 'Right')
set_binding('align_mode', 'right', 'l')
set_binding('align_mode', 'page_up', 'Page_Up')
set_binding('align_mode', 'page_up', 'Ctrl+u')
set_binding('align_mode', 'page_down', 'Page_Down')
set_binding('align_mode', 'page_down', 'Ctrl+d')
set_binding('character_mode', 'enter_line_mode', 'Escape')
# default colours
self.colours = {
'alignment' : _Colour(1.0, 1.0, 0.0),
'character_selection' : _Colour(0.7, 0.7, 1.0),
'cursor' : _Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
'difference_1' : _Colour(1.0, 0.625, 0.625),
'difference_2' : _Colour(0.85, 0.625, 0.775),
'difference_3' : _Colour(0.85, 0.775, 0.625),
'hatch' : _Colour(0.8, 0.8, 0.8),
'line_number' : _Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
'line_number_background' : _Colour(0.75, 0.75, 0.75),
'line_selection' : _Colour(0.7, 0.7, 1.0),
'map_background' : _Colour(0.6, 0.6, 0.6),
'margin' : _Colour(0.8, 0.8, 0.8),
'edited' : _Colour(0.5, 1.0, 0.5),
'preedit' : _Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
'text' : _Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
'text_background' : _Colour(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) }
# default floats
self.floats = {
'alignment_opacity' : 1.0,
'character_difference_opacity' : 0.4,
'character_selection_opacity' : 0.4,
'edited_opacity' : 0.4,
'line_difference_opacity' : 0.3,
'line_selection_opacity' : 0.4 }
# default strings
self.strings = {}
# syntax highlighting support
self.syntaxes = {}
self.syntax_file_patterns = {}
self.syntax_magic_patterns = {}
self.current_syntax = None
# list of imported resources files (we only import each file once)
self.resource_files = set()
# special string resources
self.setDifferenceColours('difference_1 difference_2 difference_3')
# keyboard action processing
def setKeyBinding(self, ctx, s, v):
action_tuple = (ctx, s)
modifiers = Gdk.ModifierType(0)
key = None
for token in v.split('+'):
if token == 'Shift':
modifiers |= Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK
elif token == 'Ctrl':
modifiers |= Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK
elif token == 'Alt':
modifiers |= Gdk.ModifierType.MOD1_MASK
elif len(token) == 0 or token[0] == '_':
raise ValueError()
token = 'KEY_' + token
if not hasattr(Gdk, token):
raise ValueError()
key = getattr(Gdk, token)
if key is None:
raise ValueError()
key_tuple = (ctx, (key, modifiers))
# remove any existing binding
if key_tuple in self.keybindings_lookup:
# ensure we have a set to hold this action
if action_tuple not in self.keybindings:
self.keybindings[action_tuple] = {}
bindings = self.keybindings[action_tuple]
# menu items can only have one binding
if ctx == 'menu':
for k in bindings.keys():
# add the binding
bindings[key_tuple] = None
self.keybindings_lookup[key_tuple] = action_tuple
def _removeKeyBinding(self, key_tuple):
action_tuple = self.keybindings_lookup[key_tuple]
del self.keybindings_lookup[key_tuple]
del self.keybindings[action_tuple][key_tuple]
def getActionForKey(self, ctx, key, modifiers):
return self.keybindings_lookup[(ctx, (key, modifiers))][1]
except KeyError:
return None
def getKeyBindings(self, ctx, s):
return [ t for c, t in self.keybindings[(ctx, s)].keys() ]
except KeyError:
return []
# colours used for indicating differences
def setDifferenceColours(self, s):
colours = s.split()
if len(colours) > 0:
self.difference_colours = colours
def getDifferenceColour(self, i):
n = len(self.difference_colours)
return self.getColour(self.difference_colours[(i + n - 1) % n])
# colour resources
def getColour(self, symbol):
return self.colours[symbol]
except KeyError:
utils.logDebug(f'Warning: unknown colour "{symbol}"')
self.colours[symbol] = v = _Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
return v
# float resources
def getFloat(self, symbol):
return self.floats[symbol]
except KeyError:
utils.logDebug(f'Warning: unknown float "{symbol}"')
self.floats[symbol] = v = 0.5
return v
# string resources
def getString(self, symbol):
return self.strings[symbol]
except KeyError:
utils.logDebug(f'Warning: unknown string "{symbol}"')
self.strings[symbol] = v = ''
return v
# syntax highlighting
def getSyntaxNames(self):
return list(self.syntaxes.keys())
def getSyntax(self, name):
return self.syntaxes.get(name, None)
def guessSyntaxForFile(self, name, ss):
name = os.path.basename(name)
for key, pattern in self.syntax_file_patterns.items():
if pattern.search(name):
return key
# fallback to analysing the first line of the file
if len(ss) > 0:
s = ss[0]
for key, pattern in self.syntax_magic_patterns.items():
if pattern.search(s):
return key
return None
# parse resource files
def parse(self, file_name):
# only process files once
if file_name in self.resource_files:
with open(file_name, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
ss = utils.readconfiglines(f)
# FIXME: improve validation
for i, s in enumerate(ss):
args = shlex.split(s, True)
if len(args) == 0:
# eg. add Python syntax highlighting:
# import /usr/share/diffuse/syntax/python.syntax
if args[0] == 'import' and len(args) == 2:
path = os.path.expanduser(args[1])
# relative paths are relative to the parsed file
path = os.path.join(utils.globEscape(os.path.dirname(file_name)), path)
paths = glob.glob(path)
if len(paths) == 0:
paths = [ path ]
for path in paths:
# convert to absolute path so the location of
# any processing errors are reported with
# normalised file names
# eg. make Ctrl+o trigger the open_file menu item
# keybinding menu open_file Ctrl+o
elif args[0] == 'keybinding' and len(args) == 4:
self.setKeyBinding(args[1], args[2], args[3])
# eg. set the regular background colour to white
# colour text_background 1.0 1.0 1.0
elif args[0] in [ 'colour', 'color' ] and len(args) == 5:
self.colours[args[1]] = _Colour(float(args[2]), float(args[3]), float(args[4]))
# eg. set opacity of the line_selection colour
# float line_selection_opacity 0.4
elif args[0] == 'float' and len(args) == 3:
self.floats[args[1]] = float(args[2])
# eg. set the help browser
# string help_browser gnome-help
elif args[0] == 'string' and len(args) == 3:
self.strings[args[1]] = args[2]
if args[1] == 'difference_colours':
# eg. start a syntax specification for Python
# syntax Python normal text
# where 'normal' is the name of the default state and
# 'text' is the classification of all characters not
# explicitly matched by a syntax highlighting rule
elif args[0] == 'syntax' and (len(args) == 2 or len(args) == 4):
key = args[1]
if len(args) == 2:
# remove file pattern for a syntax specification
del self.syntax_file_patterns[key]
except KeyError:
# remove magic pattern for a syntax specification
del self.syntax_magic_patterns[key]
except KeyError:
# remove a syntax specification
self.current_syntax = None
del self.syntaxes[key]
except KeyError:
self.current_syntax = _SyntaxParser(args[2], args[3])
self.syntaxes[key] = self.current_syntax
# eg. transition from state 'normal' to 'comment' when
# the pattern '#' is matched and classify the matched
# characters as 'python_comment'
# syntax_pattern normal comment python_comment '#'
elif (
args[0] == 'syntax_pattern' and
self.current_syntax is not None and
len(args) >= 5
flags = 0
for arg in args[5:]:
if arg == 'ignorecase':
flags |= re.IGNORECASE
raise ValueError()
re.compile(args[4], flags))
# eg. default to the Python syntax rules when viewing
# a file ending with '.py' or '.pyw'
# syntax_files Python '\.pyw?$'
elif args[0] == 'syntax_files' and (len(args) == 2 or len(args) == 3):
key = args[1]
if len(args) == 2:
# remove file pattern for a syntax specification
del self.syntax_file_patterns[key]
except KeyError:
flags = 0
if utils.isWindows():
flags |= re.IGNORECASE
self.syntax_file_patterns[key] = re.compile(args[2], flags)
# eg. default to the Python syntax rules when viewing
# a files starting with patterns like #!/usr/bin/python
# syntax_magic Python '^#!/usr/bin/python$'
elif args[0] == 'syntax_magic' and len(args) > 1:
key = args[1]
if len(args) == 2:
# remove magic pattern for a syntax specification
del self.syntax_magic_patterns[key]
except KeyError:
flags = 0
for arg in args[3:]:
if arg == 'ignorecase':
flags |= re.IGNORECASE
raise ValueError()
self.syntax_magic_patterns[key] = re.compile(args[2], flags)
raise ValueError()
# pylint: disable-next=bare-except
except: # Grr... the 're' module throws weird errors
#except ValueError:
utils.logError(_(f'Error processing line {i + 1} of {file_name}.'))
# colour resources
class _Colour:
def __init__(self, r, g, b, a=1.0):
# the individual colour components as floats in the range [0, 1]
self.red = r
self.green = g
self.blue = b
self.alpha = a
# multiply by scalar
def __mul__(self, s):
return _Colour(s * self.red, s * self.green, s * self.blue, s * self.alpha)
# add colours
def __add__(self, other):
return _Colour(
self.red + other.red,
self.green + other.green,
self.blue + other.blue,
self.alpha + other.alpha)
# over operator
def over(self, other):
return self + other * (1 - self.alpha)
# class to build and run a finite state machine for identifying syntax tokens
class _SyntaxParser:
# create a new state machine that begins in initial_state and classifies
# all characters not matched by the patterns as default_token_type
def __init__(self, initial_state, default_token_type):
# initial state for the state machine when parsing a new file
self.initial_state = initial_state
# default classification of characters that are not explicitly matched
# by any state transition patterns
self.default_token_type = default_token_type
# mappings from a state to a list of (pattern, token_type, next_state)
# tuples indicating the new state for the state machine when 'pattern'
# is matched and how to classify the matched characters
self.transitions_lookup = { initial_state : [] }
# Adds a new edge to the finite state machine from prev_state to
# next_state. Characters will be identified as token_type when pattern is
# matched. Any newly referenced state will be added. Patterns for edges
# leaving a state will be tested in the order they were added to the finite
# state machine.
def addPattern(self, prev_state, next_state, token_type, pattern):
lookup = self.transitions_lookup
for state in prev_state, next_state:
if state not in lookup:
lookup[state] = []
lookup[prev_state].append([pattern, token_type, next_state])
# given a string and an initial state, identify the final state and tokens
def parse(self, state_name, s):
lookup = self.transitions_lookup
transitions, blocks, start = lookup[state_name], [], 0
while start < len(s):
for pattern, token_type, next_state in transitions:
m = pattern.match(s, start)
if m is not None:
end, state_name = m.span()[1], next_state
transitions = lookup[state_name]
end, token_type = start + 1, self.default_token_type
if len(blocks) > 0 and blocks[-1][2] == token_type:
blocks[-1][1] = end
blocks.append([start, end, token_type])
start = end
return state_name, blocks
@ -190,6 +190,9 @@ def popenReadLines(dn, cmd, prefs, bash_pref, success_results=None):
return _strip_eols(splitlines(popenRead(
dn, cmd, prefs, bash_pref, success_results).decode('utf-8', errors='ignore')))
def readconfiglines(fd):
return fd.read().replace('\r', '').split('\n')
# escape special glob characters
def globEscape(s):
m = { c: f'[{c}]' for c in '[]?*' }
Reference in New Issue