class_name AudienceMember extends Sprite2D @export var mood : float = 0. @export var head : Node2D @export var face : Node2D @export var profile : AudienceProfile @export_enum("angry", "neutral", "happy", "laugh") var expression var known_faces : Array[String] = [ "res://scenes/faces/face_curly.tscn", "res://scenes/faces/face_jenny.tscn", "res://scenes/faces/face_moritz.tscn", "res://scenes/faces/face_ronald.tscn", # Add more scenes as needed ] const laughter_duration : float = 2. # seconds const laughter_bobs : int = 4 var laughter_left : float = 0. # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): laughter_left = 0. mood = randf_range(profile.lashout_threshold, profile.happy_threshold) update_expression() if face == null: set_random_face() # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. func _process(delta): if laughter_left >= 0: laughter_left -= delta if mood > profile.happy_threshold * .5: mood -= profile.happiness_decay * delta elif mood < profile.lashout_threshold * .9: mood += profile.lashout_decay * delta if Input.is_key_pressed(KEY_SPACE) and OS.is_debug_build(): update_mood(1.) update_expression() func hear_joke(): var change = randf_range(-3., 3.) update_mood(change) func update_mood(change: float): if mood > profile.happy_threshold and change > 0 and laughter_left <= 0: laughter_left = laughter_duration # bob head var tween = get_tree().create_tween().bind_node(self).set_loops(laughter_bobs) var bob_duration = laughter_duration / laughter_bobs / 2 tween.tween_property(face, "position", Vector2.UP * 20, bob_duration).set_delay(randf_range(0, bob_duration)) tween.tween_property(face, "position", Vector2.ZERO, bob_duration) mood += change func update_expression(): if laughter_left > 0: expression = "laugh" elif mood > profile.happy_threshold: expression = "happy" elif mood < profile.angry_threshold: expression = "angry" else: expression = "neutral" func set_random_face(): var face_res = load(known_faces[randi() % known_faces.size()]) face = face_res.instantiate() head.add_child(face) func on_joke(joke: Joke): pass