257 lines
7.5 KiB
257 lines
7.5 KiB
import os
import site
import sys
import glob
import subprocess
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
siteDir = site.getsitepackages()[1]
includeDllPath = os.path.join(siteDir, "gnome")
# This is the list of dll which are required by PyGI.
# I get this list of DLL using http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896656.aspx
# Procedure:
# 1) Run your from from your IDE
# 2) Command for using listdlls.exe
# c:/path/to/listdlls.exe python.exe > output.txt
# 3) This would return lists of all dll required by you program
# in my case most of dll file were located in c:\python27\Lib\site-packages\gnome
# (I am using PyGI (all in one) installer)
# 4) Below is the list of gnome dll I recevied from listdlls.exe result.
# If you prefer you can import all dlls from c:\python27\Lib\site-packages\gnome folder
missingDll = glob.glob(includeDllPath + "\\" + '*.dll')
missingDll = [ dll[len(includeDllPath) + 1:] for dll in missingDll ]
#missingDll = [
## 'libaspell-15.dll',
# 'libatk-1.0-0.dll',
## 'libavcodec-56.dll',
## 'libavformat-56.dll',
## 'libavutil-54.dll',
# 'libcairo-gobject-2.dll',
## 'libdb-5.3.dll',
## 'libdbus-1-3.dll',
## 'libdbus-glib-1-2.dll',
## 'libdb_sql-5.3.dll',
## 'libdevhelp-3-2.dll',
## 'libenchant-1.dll',
# 'libepoxy-0.dll',
# 'libffi-6.dll',
# 'libfontconfig-1.dll',
# 'libfreetype-6.dll',
## 'libgailutil-3-0.dll',
## 'libgconf-2-4.dll',
## 'libgcrypt-11.dll',
## 'libgda-5.0-4.dll',
## 'libgda-ui-5.0-4.dll',
## 'libgdict-1.0-9.dll',
# 'libgdk-3-0.dll',
# 'libgdk_pixbuf-2.0-0.dll',
## 'libgdl-3-5.dll',
## 'libgedit.dll',
## 'libgee-0.8-2.dll',
## 'libgeoclue-0.dll',
## 'libgettextlib-0-18-3.dll',
## 'libgettextsrc-0-18-3.dll',
# 'libgio-2.0-0.dll',
# 'libgirepository-1.0-1.dll',
## 'libgit2-glib-1.0-0.dll',
## 'libgladeui-2-6.dll',
# 'libglib-2.0-0.dll',
# 'libgmodule-2.0-0.dll',
## 'libgnutls-28.dll',
# 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll',
## 'libgoocanvas-2.0-9.dll',
## 'libgsf-1-114.dll',
## 'libgsf-win32-1-114.dll',
## 'libgspell-1-0.dll',
## 'libgssapi-3.dll',
## 'libgstallocators-1.0-0.dll',
## 'libgstapp-1.0-0.dll',
## 'libgstaudio-1.0-0.dll',
## 'libgstbase-1.0-0.dll',
## 'libgstcheck-1.0-0.dll',
## 'libgstcontroller-1.0-0.dll',
## 'libgstfft-1.0-0.dll',
## 'libgstnet-1.0-0.dll',
## 'libgstpbutils-1.0-0.dll',
## 'libgstreamer-1.0-0.dll',
## 'libgstriff-1.0-0.dll',
## 'libgstrtp-1.0-0.dll',
## 'libgstrtsp-1.0-0.dll',
## 'libgstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll',
## 'libgstsdp-1.0-0.dll',
## 'libgsttag-1.0-0.dll',
## 'libgstvideo-1.0-0.dll',
## 'libgthread-2.0-0.dll',
# 'libgtk-3-0.dll',
## 'libgtkhex-3-0.dll',
## 'libgtksourceview-3.0-1.dll',
## 'libgtkspell3-3-0.dll',
## 'libgtranslator.dll',
## 'libgucharmap_2_90-7.dll',
## 'libgxml-0.10-10.dll',
# 'libharfbuzz-0.dll',
## 'libharfbuzz-gobject-0.dll',
## 'libharfbuzz-icu-0.dll',
## 'libicu52.dll',
# 'libintl-8.dll',
## 'libisocodes-0.dll',
# 'libjasper-1.dll',
## 'libjavascriptcoregtk-3.0-0.dll',
# 'libjpeg-8.dll',
## 'libjson-glib-1.0-0.dll',
## 'liblua51.dll',
## 'libopenssl.dll',
## 'liborc-0.4-0.dll',
## 'liborc-test-0.4-0.dll',
## 'libp11-kit-0.dll',
# 'libpango-1.0-0.dll',
# 'libpangocairo-1.0-0.dll',
# 'libpangoft2-1.0-0.dll',
# 'libpangowin32-1.0-0.dll',
## 'libpeas-1.0-0.dll',
## 'libpeas-gtk-1.0-0.dll',
# 'libpng16-16.dll',
## 'libproxy.dll',
# 'librsvg-2-2.dll',
## 'libsasl2.dll',
## 'libsecret-1-0.dll',
## 'libsoup-2.4-1.dll',
## 'libsqlite3-0.dll',
## 'libstdc++.dll',
## 'libswresample-1.dll',
# 'libtiff-5.dll',
## 'libvisual-0.4-0.dll',
## 'libwebkitgtk-3.0-0.dll',
# 'libwebp-5.dll',
# 'libwinpthread-1.dll',
# 'libxmlxpat.dll',
## 'libxslt-1.dll',
# 'libzzz.dll',
includeFiles = []
for dll in missingDll:
includeFiles.append((os.path.join(includeDllPath, dll), dll))
# You can import all Gtk Runtime data from gtk folder
#gtkLibs= ['etc','lib','share']
# You can import only important Gtk Runtime data from gtk folder
gtkLibs = ['lib\\gdk-pixbuf-2.0',
for lib in gtkLibs:
includeFiles.append((os.path.join(includeDllPath, lib), lib))
base = None
if sys.platform == "win32":
base = "Win32GUI"
if not os.path.exists("temp"):
from shutil import copyfile
copyfile("..\\src\\usr\\bin\\diffuse", "temp\\diffuse")
name = "diffuse",
version = "0.5",
description = "Diffuse Merge Tool",
options = {'build_exe' : {
'compressed': True,
'includes': ["gi"],
'excludes': ['wx', 'email', 'pydoc_data', 'curses'],
'packages': ["gi"],
'include_files': includeFiles
executables = [
# makes a directory without complaining if it already exists
def mkdir(s):
if not os.path.isdir(s):
# copies a file to 'dest'
def copyFile(src, dest, use_text_mode=False,enc=None):
print('copying "%s" to "%s"' % (src, dest))
if use_text_mode:
r, w = 'r', 'w'
r, w = 'rb', 'wb'
f = open(src, r)
s = f.read()
if enc is not None:
s = codecs.encode(unicode(s, 'utf_8'), enc)
f = open(dest, w)
# recursively copies a directory to 'dest'
def copyDir(src, dest):
print('copying "%s" to "%s"' % (src, dest))
for f in os.listdir(src):
s = os.path.join(src, f)
d = os.path.join(dest, f)
if os.path.isfile(s):
copyFile(s, d)
elif os.path.isdir(s):
copyDir(s, d)
# include GTK dependencies
#gtk_dir = os.environ['GTK_BASEPATH']
gtk_dir = "C:\\Python34\\Lib\\site-packages\\gnome"
build_dir = "build\\exe.win-amd64-3.4"
copyDir(os.path.join(gtk_dir, 'etc'), os.path.join(build_dir, 'etc'))
copyDir(os.path.join(gtk_dir, 'lib'), os.path.join(build_dir, 'lib'))
mkdir(os.path.join(build_dir, 'share'))
copyDir(os.path.join(gtk_dir, 'share\\icons'), os.path.join(build_dir, 'share\\icons'))
copyDir(os.path.join(gtk_dir, 'share\\themes'), os.path.join(build_dir, 'share\\themes'))
# Add all support files.
# syntax highlighting support
mkdir(os.path.join(build_dir, 'syntax'))
for p in glob.glob('..\\src\\usr\\share\\diffuse\\syntax\\*.syntax'):
copyFile(p, os.path.join(build_dir, 'syntax', os.path.basename(p)), True)
copyFile('diffuserc', os.path.join(build_dir, 'diffuserc'))
# application icon
copyDir('..\\src\\usr\\share\\icons', os.path.join(build_dir, 'share\\icons'))
# translations
mkdir(os.path.join(build_dir, 'share\\locale'))
locale_dir = os.path.join(gtk_dir, 'share\\locale')
for s in glob.glob('..\\translations\\*.po'):
lang = s[16:-3]
# Diffuse localisations
print('Compiling %s translation' % (lang, ))
lang_dir = ''
for p in [ 'locale', lang, 'LC_MESSAGES' ]:
lang_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, p)
lang_dir = os.path.join(lang_dir, 'diffuse.mo')
if subprocess.Popen(['msgfmt', '-o', lang_dir, s]).wait() != 0:
raise OSError('Failed to compile "%s" into "%s".' % (s, lang_dir))
# GTK localisations
lang_dir = os.path.join(locale_dir, lang)
if os.path.isdir(lang_dir):
copyDir(lang_dir, os.path.join(build_dir, 'share\\locale', lang))